Office of Outreach Activities, Room No. 201, Outreach Building, IIT Kanpur

Financial Support

Funding for SURGE Candidates;

The following financial supports are provided to the eligible SURGE participants;

1. Funding from SURGE (Institute Funded Category): Students selected under this category may receive a stipend of Rs 12,500/- (administrative charges reimbursed) during the program duration. Candidates with CPI>=8.5 (at the time of registration) will be eligible for consideration of Institute Funding. Only 60 participants are eligible to avail this funding. The selection of participants is done after the completion of the internship on the basis of the perfomance of the participant during the internship, mentor's feedback and recomendation from the Evaluation Committee.

2. Funding from IITK Project (Project Funded Category): Students selected under this category may receive funding directly from the faculty members (mentors) of IIT Kanpur.

3. Self Funded: Students selected under this category will have an opportunity to work on projects of faculty members of IIT Kanpur, however, they will not be entittled for any funding.

4. Funding for SAARC participants: The students selected under this category are eligible for scholarship of Rs. 12,500/-. Administrative charges and travel expenses (upto Rs. 10,000/- (maximum) or as per actual) are also reimbursed.

5. Industry-IITK tie-up, if any: Students selected under this category will have an opportunity to work as individuals or in teams, on real-world projects proposed by the industry with mentors from both IIT Kanpur and the industry. The stipend will be paid by the industry. In SURGE-2023, only IIT Kanpur students can participate under this category.